During the month of September, we will begin learning the Gloria for a new mass we will be singing up until Advent, resume for the Christmas season, then during ordinary time until Lent. Look for music booklets in the Pew Missals. we will be singing a new mass, the "Mass of the Angels
Kyrie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6seV_dV66As
Gloria: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34HaLV7KG-4
Holy, Holy-Sanctus-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BF2Uh4UhSwQ&list=PL1451E4E6E8D2F78B&index=4
Lamb of God-Agnus Dei-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYFueBJMZek&list=PL1451E4E6E8D2F78B&index=5
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Our most often used Mass Setting in the EF Form of the Mass is Mass VIII, also called the Missa de Angeles (Mass of the Angels). The music is available in the Pew Missal beginning on page 29-30. The Credo is on page 24.