As part of our preparation for our parish 100th Anniversary we began a renewal project focusing on 3 areas:
Below are some pictures of the Spiritual Renewal Phase 1 focusing on our Worship Space and growing in spiritual devotion.
The Stations of the Cross of the current church were given clearer markers and reoriented to aid in our devotion of walking with the Lord in His holy sufferings. These were completed in February 2018 just before Lent.
The Statues of Mary and Joseph were in the back niches of the current church. They have been relocated with new lighting and are now mounted flanking the sanctuary to remind us during Holy Mass of the Communion of Saints with whom we worship Almighty God. This relocation was completed just before Easter of 2018.
This new location is also a reminder of our parish history because in the original church Mary and Joseph were on either side of the sanctuary.
We are moving along for Phase 2 which is preparing a history of St. Paul Booklet along with pictures and ...
Also in September of 2019, we will open the time capsule that was buried in September of 1994.