Come and listen to a Sacred Musical Mission on November 19th, Tuesday evening @ 7:00 p.m.. Harpa Dei will be here at St. Paul Catholic Church for a one hour concert of sacred
Catholic music; both liturgical and cultural from all of the rites of the church. The concert is free, however, there will be a free-will offering as well as CD’s available for a donation in order to defray their travel expenses.
For more information and to watch/listen to their videos, visit:
Concert Series returns to St. Paul Catholic Church-Thank you to those of you who have supported the Concert Series that began in 2020…after a 3-year hiatus during which time there were a few concerts, we find there is need for funds in order to guarantee the continuation of bringing beautiful music to our church. If you wish to donate, please look for yellow envelopes in the narthex. The envelope may be placed in the collection basket or returned to the rectory during business hours. Thank you in advance for your generosity!