The Catholic Church takes the choosing of godparens and sponsors very seriously. Whether parents choosing for their child, or a Catholic receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation, or a person coming into the Church, a godparent/sponor is required. The purpose of the godparent/sponsor is to be a true mentor in the Catholic Faith that will have contact and be engaged with the one he/she is sponsoring. While perhaps convenient to select a friend or family member, that is not the main criteria. Below is listed the responisibilities and requirements for this role in the Church. If you are unable to find someone to fulfill the role please call us, and we will assist you in finding a person.
If you have been asked to be a sponsor or godparent, keep reading about what that entails. If you are required to present a "sponsor certificate" at the baptism, then call the rectory to set up an appointment with Fr. Pfeiffer in order to receive a certificate.
Rectory: 330-724-1263
To be chosen as a godparent is a special honor. You, above all others, have been entrusted with the responsibility to participate in this child's Christian life and education.
This privilege offers you the opportunity to develop a mutually enriching spiritual relationship - one that will last throughout this life and beyond.
Godparents make a promise to God, to the parents, to the child, and to the Church. You proclaim aloud a covenant to witness gospel attitudes and values in your life and in the relationships that will develop with this child.
You proclaim that you will be a Christian community for the child being baptized. You say you will surround this child with care concern, support, faith, trust, challenge and compassion as they mature.
There are many special ways you can nurture this spiritual relationship and become a special friend to your godchild. Among them are:
By living a Christian life in partnership with your godchild, both of you will experience the great joy of sharing a life of faith.
1. Must be a fully initiated Catholic, meaning one has recieved the three Sacraments of Initation (Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Eucharist)
2. Must be at least 16 years of age. This requirement can be dispensed by one's pastor for a just cause.
3. Must be a practicing Catholic living a Catholic life, which includes the following:
Striving everyday to grow in holiness by being a disciple of Christ.
Fulfill all the precepts of the Church, especially the obligation to participate at Mass every Sunday and Holy Day of Obligation, and confessing your sins at least once a year.
If one is married, the marriage must be considered valid in the eyes of the Catholic Church (if there is a question about this, check out this page or call the rectory 330-724-1263)
Other considerations:
For Sacrament of Baptism:
A person who is not a Catholic but is a member of a Christian community with a valid baptism and who has received that valid Baptism in their own community can act as a Christian Witness for the child. In that case, the other godparent needs to fulfill the Catholic requirements.
Only one godparent is necessary, but two are appropriate. When there are two godparents, one has to be male and the other female.
Also, a godparent is a permanent choice. In other words if you have a falling out with the person or persons you selected, their name(s) cannot be removed from the official record of the child’s baptism.
For Sacrament of Confirmation:
Only one sponsor is needed for this sacrament
Must be chosen by the candidate for Confirmation